Tony Vlastelica
Ask Yourself: Is Critical Race Theory (CRT) or Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), or any derivative thereof, being researched and implemented within the MPSD?
See the evidence for yourself and decide if this will help or hurt our community and academic outcomes.
For additional email communication between responses, click here.
10/28/21 Request for the details on the $42,000 Derute contract training curriculum (a taxpayer expense). Click here to read the records request and answers to the following questions:
The content of this training
How much it costs
Who authorized it
How many administrators and teachers have been trained
Copy of any contract or agreement between the MPSD and Derute consulting
11/16/21 Superintendent Holzman responds to Tony's request from 10/28/21. Click here to learn who received the Derute training, the contact agreement, and scope of engagement with Derute.
11/29/21 Superintendent Holzman responds to Tony's follow-up request from 11-16-21. Click here to read this note.
11/30/21 Tony requests further clarification on the following items. Click here to see this follow-up email (page 2).
Why are taxpayers not allowed to see individual notes and goals on something we paid for? How could I go about getting this?
Seeing these individuals goals will be vital to understand the full impact of this training, and determining whether or not CRT, SEL, and/or any related concepts such as Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are being propagated through the MPSD. Yes or no answer, please - are any of these concepts included in the training and goals for individuals or the MPSD? If yes, which ones?
What changes were made as a result of this training in the MPSD as it relates to CRT, SEL, and/or any related concepts such as Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion?
Why, specifically, did you decide not to extend the contract with Derute?
Are there any other proposals for professional development being reviewed or considered since the Derute engagement with any other groups? Please share details if yes.
1/1/22 Email to MPSD staff re: Curriculum in MPSD. Click here to see the request.