Tony Vlastelica
Our Manitowoc Public School District (MPSD) students deserve a fair chance to succeed. Our nation’s success is built on the founding principles of unlimited opportunity, quality education, commitment to hard work, and the freedom to pursue our dreams. I want to ensure that the community is advancing towards meeting these founding principles. Read on to learn about the issues at hand.
Performance Trend
Performance in our school system is continuing in a downward trend, and will stay this course if we don't do something about it. Read more here.
District Report Card
If the same DPI scoring criteria from 2018-2019 had been used here, MPSD would be categorized as "meets few expectations." Read more here.
Is CRT in the MPSD?
Is Critical Race Theory (CRT) or any derivative thereof, being researched and implemented within the MPSD? See the evidence and decide if this will help or hurt our academic outcomes. Read more here.
Indoctrination vs. Education
Flyers posted in the hallways of Washington Middle School for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students to observe. Read more here.